
Life Sciences

Department Chair of Life Sciences
Associate Professor
Focus: Chemistry

Speaker Request
David W. Clarke, PhD


  • Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • General Chemistry I
  • General Chemistry II
  • Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques I
  • Seminar

Selected Publications

Dominelli, A., D.W. Clarke, R. Flint, T. Reed and S. Khan "The Impact of Pharmaceutical Education on Attitudes, Knowledge, and Influence of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising" (Student Poster) Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience, April 2006, New York, NY.

Cosler, L., D.W. Clarke and J. Jarvis "Assessing the Effectiveness of Web-Based Experiments within a General Chemistry Laboratory" (Poster) Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, July 2005, Fairfield , CT.

Clarke, D.W. "Shoebox Spectroscopy: Simple equipment can teach students basic spectroscopy," The Science Teacher, 71(7), 44-47 (2004).

Clarke, D.W. and R. Daffner "Use of Residual Magnevist as a Contrast Agent in Intrarticular MRI" (Poster) The 2003 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, June 2003, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Brown, R.R., D.W. Clarke and R.H. Daffner "Is the Mixture of Gadolinium Contrast Agent and Iodinated Contrast Material for MR Arthrographic Techniques Safe?"American Journal of Roentgenology, 175, 1087-1090 (2000).