Associate Professor
Focus: Pharmacoeconomics
Speaker Request
John M. Polimeni, PhD
- Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Courses Taught at ACPHS
- Health Economics
- US and Global Healthcare Systems
- Pharmacoeconomics
Research Interests
- Dr. Polimeni's current research interests examine the intersections between economic development and the environment. This includes energy efficiency and sustainability, economic development, and sustainable agriculture.
- Dr. Polimeni was awarded the prestigious Senior Fulbright Fellow (2009) in Romania where he worked at the Academy of Economic Studies, as well as the Institute for Economic Forecasting in the Romanian National Academy in Bucharest, Romania.
- Dr. Polimeni is a Honorary Member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian National Academy of Science: National Institute for Economic Research, Institute of Economic Forecasting
Selected Journal Publications
- Shah, R., P.D. Meek, J.M. Polimeni, and W.M. Parker. “Differences in Utilization of Cancer Preventive Care Services Between Women Veterans and Women Non-veterans in the U.S.” Journal of Women’s Health, under review.
- Polimeni, J.M., R.I. Iorgulescu, and A. Agapie. “Modeling Consumer Preference for Sustainable Agricultural Products at Romanian Farmers Markets.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 586-597.
- Iorgulescu, R. I., and J.M. Polimeni. (2017). “Could Socioeconomic Metabolism be Molded by Transaction Costs?” Annals - Economy Series, 3/2017 - Constantin Brancusi University, Faculty of Economics, 68-74.
- Polimeni, J.M., A. Almalki, R.I. Iorgulescu, L.L. Albu, W.M. Parker, and R. Chandrasekara. (2016). „Assessment of Macro-level Socioeconomic Factors that Impact Waterborne Diseases: The Case of Jordan,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 13(12), 1181; doi:10.3390/ijerph13121181
- Iorgulescu, R.I. and J.M. Polimeni. (2016). “A Cautionary Tale for Digital Age Transitioning: The Impeding Polarization Effects.” Romanian Economic and Business Review, 11(2), 145-153.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R.I. Iorgulescu. (2015). “Active Labor Market Policies in Romania and Bulgaria: An Empirical Examination,” Holistica Journal of Business and Public Administration, 6(2), 20-30.
- Alzahri, M., S.A. Mousa, A. Almomen, R. Hasanato, J. Polimeni, and M. Racz, “Lactate Dehydrogenase as A Biomarker for Early Renal Damage in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease,” Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation, 26(6): 1161-1168, 2015.
- Iorgulescu, R. I., J.M. Polimeni, M. Bălan. “Bioeconomic Sustainability and Modelling Energy Systems,” Progress in Industrial Ecology - An International Journal, 9(1): 46-59, 2015.
- Polimeni, J. M., R.I. Iorgulescu. “Inquiry Regarding the Sustainability of Active Labor Market Policies in Romania.” Economy Series, Constantin Brancusi University, Faculty of Economics. Special Issue/2015 Information Society and Sustainable Development, 134-143, 2015.
- Polimeni, J.M., R.I. Iorgulescu, and R. Chandrasekara. “Trans-border Public Health Vulnerability and Hydroelectric Projects: The Case of Yali Falls Dam,” Ecological Economics, 98: 81-89, 2014.
- Polimeni, J.M., K. Vichansavakul, R.I. Iorgulescu, and R. Chandrasekara. “Why Perspective Matters in Health Outcomes Research Analyses,” International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 12, Number 11, November, 2013.
- Polimeni, J. M., R.I. Iorgulescu, and M. Bălan. “Food Safety, Food Security and Environmental Risks,” Internal Auditing & Risk Management, Vol. 1, Issue 29, June, Pages 53-68, 2013.
- Malone, M., S. Alger-Mayer, and J.M. Polimeni. "Health Related Quality of Life After Gastric Bypass Surgery," Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 7, Issue 2, June, Pages 155-161, 2012.
- Mayumi, K. and J.M. Polimeni. "Uranium Reserve, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Delusion, CO2 Emission From the Sea, and Electricity Supply: Reflections after the Fuel Meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants," Ecological Economics, Vol. 73, January, Pages 1-6, 2012.
- Malone, M., S. Alger-Mayer, and J.M. Polimeni. "Antidepressant Drug Therapy Does Not Affect Weight Loss One Year After Gastric Bypass Surgery," Obesity Surgery, 14 January, 2011.
- Polimeni, J.M. and W. Harper. "The Potential Economic Rent in the United States From CO2 Abatement Policies," Review of Economic and Business Studies, Vol. 3, Number 2, Pages 13-50, 2010.
- Onyeiwu, S., R.I. Iorgulescu, and J.M. Polimeni. “Structural Adjustment Intensity, Vulnerability and Poverty in Africa: Evidence from a Nigerian Village,” Journal of Developing Societies, Vol. 25, Issue 1, Pages 27-55, 2009.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Converging Policies and Purposes: Agriculture and Energy Coming to a Crossroads,” Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, Vol. 13, Number 3, Pages 3-5, 2009.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R.I. Iorgulescu. “Whose Standards? (B)reaching the Assessment Puzzle,” American Journal of Business Education, Vol. 2, Number 7, Pages 43-53, 2009.
- Hong, B., K.E. Limburg, J.D. Erickson, J.M. Gowdy, A.A. Nowosielski, J.M. Polimeni, and K.M. Stainbrook. “Connecting the Ecological-economic Dots in Human-dominated Watersheds: Models to Link Socio-economic Activities on the Landscape to Stream Ecosystem Health,” Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 91, Issue 2, Pages 78-87, 2009.
- Alger-Mayer, S., C. Rosati, J.M. Polimeni, and M.M. Malone. “Preoperative Binge Eating Status and Gastric Bypass Surgery: A Long Term Outcome Study,” Obesity Surgery, Vol. 19, Issue 2, Pages 139-145, 2009.
- Iorgulescu, R.I. and J.M. Polimeni. “A Multi-scale Integrated Assessment of the Energy Use in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and Hungary,” Energy, Volume 34, Issue 3, Pages 341-347, 2009.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Jevons’ Paradox: The Cases of India and China,” Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 3, Number 8, Pages 145-157, 2008.
- Alger-Mayer, S., J.M. Polimeni, and M. Malone. “Pre-operative Weight Loss as a Predictor of Long-term Success Following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass,” Obesity Surgery, Vol. 18, Number 7, Pages 772-775, 2008.
- Holguin-Veras, J., M. Silas, J.M. Polimeni, and B. Cruz. “An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Joint Receiver-Carrier Policies to Increase Truck Traffic in the Off-Peak Hours Part II: The Behavior of Carriers,” Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 8, Number 4, Pages 327-354, 2008.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R.I. Iorgulescu. “Understanding the Brain-drain in the Capital District of New York State,” International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 7, Issue 7, Pages 63-76, 2008.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Chandrasekara, and R.I. Iorgulescu. “Megadams and the Health Effects on Women,” Global Studies Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Pages 61-68, 2008.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Chandrasekara. “Jevon’s Paradox: The Case of India,” Disaster Advances, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Pages 29-36, 2008.
- Polimeni, J.M., L.E. Cosler, R. Chandrasekara, and M. Dobis. “A Theoretical Approach to Reduce Discarded Pharmaceuticals in the Environment,” The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic, and Social Sustainability, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Pages 89-97, 2008.
- Chandrasekara, R. and J.M. Polimeni. “Water and National Security,” International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Number 6, Pages 11-20, 2008.
- Onyeiwu, S., R.I. Iorgulescu Polimeni, and J.M. Polimeni. “Distributional Impact of Globalization-Induced Migration: Evidence from a Nigerian Village,” African Development Review, Vol. 20, Issue 1, Pages 115-134, 2008.
- Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.I. and J.M. Polimeni. “Multi-scale Integrated Analysis of Societal Metabolism and Jevons’ Paradox for Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland,” Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, Number 4, Pages 61-76, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Iorgulescu Polimeni. “Energy Consumption in Transitional Economies (Part I): Jevons’ Paradox for Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland,” Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, Number 3, Pages 63-80, 2007.
- Onyeiwu, S., R.I. Iorgulescu Polimeni, and J.M. Polimeni. “Distributional Impact of Globalization-Induced Migration: Evidence from a Nigerian Village,” UNU-WIDER Research Paper, Number 66, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Jevons’ Paradox: A Case Study of China,” International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Number 2, Pages 383-394, 2007.
- Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.I. and J.M. Polimeni. “Structural Adjustment and the Igbo Extended Family,” International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 5, Number 4, Pages 77-82, 2007.
- Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.I. and J.M. Polimeni. “Multi-scale Integrated Analysis of Societal Metabolism: The Case of Romania,” International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Number 2, Pages 41-51, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Protecting the Global Food Supply from a Terrorist Attack,” International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 5, Number 4, Pages 71-75, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Assessment of the Economics Curriculum at a College of Pharmacy,” Journal of College Teaching & Learning, Vol. 4, Number 10, Pages 47-56, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Jevons’ Paradox and the Economic Implications for Europe,” International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 6, Number 10, Pages 109-119, 2007.
- Holguin-Veras, J., M. Silas, J.M. Polimeni, and B. Cruz. “An Investigation on the Effectiveness of Joint Receiver-Carrier Policies to Increase Truck Traffic in the Off-Peak Hours Part I: The Behavior of Receivers,” Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 7, Number 3, Pages 277-295, 2007.
- Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.I., J.M. Polimeni, and S. Onyeiwu. "Labor Migration and Rural-Suburban Symbiosis in Igbo Society," International Business and Economics Research Journal, Vol. 6, Number 6, Pages 1-14, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Psychentropy: An Alternative Model of Human Welfare,” International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research Vol. 2, Number 1, Pages 93-112, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Iorgulescu Polimeni, and W.S. Trees. "Extending the Augmented Solow Growth Model to Explain Transitional Economies," Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, Number 1, Pages 65-76, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Iorgulescu Polimeni. "Urban Sprawl: Scenario Analyses for Public Policy-makers," Journal of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 5, Number 1, Pages 41-57, 2007.
- Holguín-Veras, J., Q. Wang, N. Xu, K. Ozbay, M. Cetin and J.M. Polimeni. “The Impacts of Time of Day Pricing on the Behavior of Freight Carriers in a Congested Urban Area: Implications to Road Pricing,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 40 Number 9, Pages 744-766, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Iorgulescu Polimeni. "Jevons' Paradox and the Myth of Technological Liberation," Ecological Complexity, Vol. 3, Number 4, Pages 344-353, 2006.
- Holguin-Veras, J., N. Perez, B. Cruz, and J.M. Polimeni. "Effectiveness of Financial Incentives for Off-Peak Deliveries to Restaurants in Manhattan, New York," Transportation Research Record No. 1966, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., Pages 51-59, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Transdisciplinary Research: Moving Forward,” International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research Vol. 1, Number 1, Pages 1-3, 2006.
- Chandrasekara, R. and J.M. Polimeni. "Water, Development and State Security in China," Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 6.3, Summer, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.L. Shirey, C.L. Trees, and W.S. Trees. "The Supply of Community Supported Agriculture," Journal of Business and Economics Research Vol. 4, Number 3, Pages 17-22, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Iorgulescu Polimeni, R.L. Shirey, C.L. Trees, and W.S. Trees. "The Demand for Community Supported Agriculture," Journal of Business and Economics Research, Vol. 4, Number 2, Pages 49-60, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M. "Simulating Agricultural Conversion to Residential Use in the Hudson River Valley: Scenario Analyses and Case Studies," Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 22, Issue 4, Pages 377 - 393, 2005.
- Holguin-Veras, J., J.M. Polimeni, B.Cruz, N. Xu, G. List, J. Haddock, and J. Nordstrom. "Off-peak Freight Deliveries: Challenges and Stakeholders Perceptions," Journal of Transportation Research Record No. 1906, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., Pages 42 - 48, 2005.
- Polimeni, J.M. "Graduate Education in Ecological Economics," Ecological Economics, Vol. 51, Issues 3-4, Pages 287-293, 2004.
- Polimeni, J.M., R.I. Iorgulescu, and R. Shirey. “Travelling Back to Sustainable Agriculture in a Bioeconomic World: The Case of Roxbury Farm CSA,” Nova Science Publishers, 2015.
- Polimeni, J.M. “Spatial Simulation Modeling: Projecting Residential Development in the Hudson River Valley of New York State,” Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Chandrasekara, and S. Mel. “The Economic Growth, Environment, Public Health Connection: An Ecological Economic Case Study of the Impact of the Yali Falls Dam on Cambodia,” Linus Publications, Inc., 2011.
- Polimeni, J.M., K. Mayumi, M. Giampietro, and B. Alcott. “Jevons’ Paradox: The Myth of Resource Efficiency Improvements,” Earthscan Publishers, January, 2008.
Book Chapters
- “The Jevons Paradox,” with Raluca I. Iorgulescu, In: Noel Castree, Mike Hulme, and Jim Proctor (Eds.), The Companion to Environmental Studies, Routledge Publishers, forthcoming.
- "Dams, Water Scarcity, and the Resulting Crises," with R.I. Iorgulescu and R. Chandrasekara, In: I. Purica (Ed.) Nonlinear Approaches to Crisis and Conflict, Editura Expert, Pages 248-278, 2011.
- "Energy Consumption in Transitional Economies: Jevons' Paradox for Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland," with R.I. Iorgulescu, In: L.L. Albu (Ed.), Non-Linear Modelling in Economics - Beyond Standard Economics, Editura Expert, Pages 271-288, 2011.
- "Multi-scale Integrated Analysis of Societal Metabolism and Jevons' Paradox for Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Poland," with R.I. Iorgulescu, In: L.L. Albu (Ed.), Non-Linear Modelling in Economics - Beyond Standard Economics, Editura Expert, Pages 291-307, 2011.
- "It's Always Sunny in Romania," In: R. Pricopie, D. Guţu, and M. Moroiu (Eds.), 3rd Fulbright Anniversary Volume: Fulbright Ripple Effect on International Education; Looking Ahead From a Romanian and American Perspective, Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission and Comunicare.ro Publishing House, Pages 196-204, 2011.
- "The Impact of the Basescu Presidency on Romanian Agriculture," with R.I. Iorgulescu and L.L. Albu, In: R.F. King and P.E. Sum (Eds.), Romania Under Basescu: Aspirations, Achievements, and Frustrations During His First Presidential Term, Lexington Books, Pages 293-308, 2011.
- “Spatial Distribution of Key Macroeconomic Growth Indicators in the EU-27: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation,” with L.L. Albu and R.I. Iorgulescu, In: F.E. Caroleo and F. Pastore (Eds.), The Labour Market Impact of the EU Enlargement: A New Regional Geography of Europe?, Springer-Verlag, Pages 175-194, 2010.
- “An Investigation on the Attitudinal Factors Determining Participation in Cooperative Multi-carrier Delivery Systems,” with J. Holguin-Veras, M. Silas, and B. Cruz, In: City Logistics V, Pages 49-62, 2007.
- “Residential Location Theory, Modeling, and Scenario Analysis of Urban Growth and Planning,” In: J.D. Erickson, F. Messner, and I. Ring (Eds.), Ecological Economics of Sustainable Watershed Management, Elsevier Science, 2007.
- "Off-Peak Freight Deliveries to New York City: Challenges and Policy Measures," with J. Holguin-Veras, B. Cruz, and G. List, In: E. Taniguchi and R. Thomson (Eds.), City Logistics IV, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Pages 547 - 559, 2005.
- "An Integrated Ecological Economic Assessment Model for Management of the Hudson River Watershed," with J.D. Erickson, J.M. Gowdy, K. Limburg, A. Nowosielski, and K. Stainbrook, In: R. Bruins and M. Heberling (Eds.), Economics and Ecological Risk Assessment: Applications to Watershed Management, CRC Press, 2004.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
- Polimeni, J. M. and R.I. Iorgulescu. “An Analysis of Energy Poverty in Romania.” Proceedings of the X Edition - BIWAES 2017 Biennial International Workshop “Advances in Energy Studies” Energy Futures, Environment and Wellbeing, Napoli, Italy. (forthcoming).
- Iorgulescu, R. I., C.B. Pauna, and J.M. Polimeni (2018). ”Prerequisites for Smart Cities: CEE-11 Panorama.” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference ‘Information Society and Sustainable Development,’ ISSD2018 Targu-Jiu, Gorj, Romania. Academica Brancusi Publishing House. ISBN 978-973-144-889-3.
- Iorgulescu, R. I. and J.M. Polimeni (2018). ”Searching for Romanian Farmers’ Motivations for Sustainable Agriculture.” With R.I. Iorgulescu. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference ‘Information Society and Sustainable Development,’ ISSD2018 Targu-Jiu, Gorj, Romania. Academica Brancusi Publishing House. ISBN 978-973-144-889-3.
- Iorgulescu, R. I. and J.M. Polimeni (2017). ”Transition to Digital Society, Transaction Costs and their Impact on Socioeconomic Metabolism.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference ‘Information society and sustainable development,’ ISSD2017 Targu-Jiu, Gorj, Romania. Academica Brancusi Publishing House. ISBN 978-973-144-831-2.
- Iorgulescu, R. I. and J.M. Polimeni. (2015). “Some Considerations on the ‘New Clothes’ of Poverty in the Digital Age.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Comparative Public Administration and Management Innovation, Change, Partnership in Social Media Era, Adriana Grigorescu, Corina-Georgiana Antonovici, Adelina Dumitrescu-Peculea, Florin-Marius Popa, Editors, ProUniversitaria Publishing House, 2015
- Bălan, M., R.I. Iorgulescu, J.M. Polimeni. “Youth Employment Policies: Challenges and Opportunities.” Proceedings of the International Conference Global Economy and Governance GEG 2014, 10-12 September, Bucharest, Romania.
- Polimeni, J. M., R.I. Iorgulescu. (2014). “Sustainability of Pension and Health Care Programs in the European Union.” Theoretical and Applied Economics GAER Review XXI-Special Issue/March, Proceedings of the International Conference ‘European Perspectives on the Labour Market -Innovation, Competences, Performance’, Bucharest, Romania. ISSN 18418678, 490 p.
- Iorgulescu, R. I., J.M. Polimeni, M. Bălan. “Modelling Energy Systems: Energy Efficiency and Bioeconomic Sustainability.” Proceedings of the International Conference “Sustainable Energy Use and Management”, Targu-Jiu, Romania, May 20th, 2014 “Academica Brancusi”, 216 pages, Publishing House: Tg-Jiu ISBN: 978-973-144-647-9.
- Polimeni, J. M., R.I. Iorgulescu, M. Bălan. “Organic Farming, Bridge between Food Security and Food Safety,” Quality-Access to Success Journal, 15 (S1 March), Proceedings of 6th International Conference Ecological Performance in a Competitive Economy, 06-07 March, 2014, Bucharest, Romania, Romanian Society for Quality Assurance, ISSN 1582 – 2559.
- Garrison, G.D, T. Lubowski, and J.M. Polimeni. “Ambulatory Care APPE Student Assessment of Patient Medication Adherence, Hypertension Knowledge and Blood Pressure Control.” 113th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kissimmee, FL, July 14-18, 2012. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education: Vol. 76, Issue 5, Article 99: page 42.
- Holguín-Veras, J., Q. Wang, N. Xu , K. Ozbay, M. Cetin and J.M. Polimeni, and J.C. Zorrilla. “Behavioral Impacts of Time Of Day Pricing: General Findings from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s Initiative” Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, 2006.
- Holguín-Veras, J., N. Pérez, B. Cruz and J.M. Polimeni. “On the Effectiveness of Financial Incentives to Off Peak Deliveries to Manhattan Restaurants” Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, 2006.
- Holguín-Veras, J., N. Xu, Q. Wang, K. Ozbay, M. Cetin and J.M. Polimeni, J.C. Zorrilla and M. Silas. “The Behavioral Impacts of the New Jersey Turnpike’s Time of Day Pricing Initiative and the Observed Role of Travel Distance on the Underlying Elasticities,” Proceedings of the 85th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 22-26, 2006.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Iorgulescu Polimeni, L. Cosler, and R. Chandrasekara. "Changes in Healthcare Financing in Malaysia," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Health Financing in Developing Countries, December 1 and 2, 2005.
- Polimeni, J.M., R. Iorgulescu Polimeni, L. Cosler, and R. Chandrasekara. "The Barrio Adentro Health Financing Mission in Venezuela," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Health Financing in Developing Countries, December 1 and 2, 2005.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Chandrasekara. “Water, Development and State Security in China: Water as Catalyst for International Conflict," Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Culture and Water Environment Protection, September 6 - 8, 2005.
- Polimeni, J.M. and R. Iorgulescu Polimeni. "Energy Efficiency and Jevons' Paradox," Proceedings of the Cairo 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment, March 13 - 17, 2005.
- Holguin-Veras, J., J.M. Polimeni, B. Cruz, N. Xu, G. List, J. Haddock, and J. Nordstrom. "Off-peak Freight Deliveries: Challenges and Stakeholders Perceptions," Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 9 - 13, 2005.
- Holguin-Veras, J., J.M. Polimeni, B. Cruz, N. Xu, G. List, J. Haddock, and J. Nordstrom. "Off-peak Freight Deliveries: Challenges and Stakeholders Perceptions," Proceedings of the XIII Pan-American Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, September 26-29, 2004.
Book Reviews
- Polimeni, J.M. “Transdisciplinarity and Higher Education,” International Journal of Transdisciplinary Research, Vol. 6, Number 1, Pages 83-84, 2012.
- Polimeni, J.M. "Factor Five: Transforming the Global Economy Through 80% Improvements in Resource Productivity," Ecological Economics, Vol. 70, Number 6, Pages 1240-1241, 2011.
- Polimeni, J.M. “China and the Global Energy Crisis: Development and Prospects for China’s Oil and Natural Gas,” New
Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 10, Number 1, Pages 179-180, 2008.
- Iorgulescu Polimeni, R. and J.M. Polimeni. “The Physical Foundation of Economics,” Ecological Economics, Vol. 62, Number 1, Pages 195-196, 2007.
- Polimeni, J.M. "Integrated Public Lands Management: Principles and Applications to National Forests, Parks, Wildlife Refuges and BLM Lands," Ecological Economics, 20 (February) 2004.