Former EVP of Technical Operations, Juno, and Genetech
Podcast Subject: Research & Development
Dr. Patrick Yang and ACPHS President, Greg Dewey, Ph.D., discuss ACPHS' New Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training Opening in 2020
Exciting news at ACPHS! In January 2020, the College will open the Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), a facility that will train pharmacy students and mid-career professionals for jobs making biopharmaceutical drugs, which is a rapidly growing part of the drug industry nationwide.
CBET will be a 20,000-square-foot advanced technology facility that will feature emerging technologies such as single use and continuous bioprocessing, cell therapy, gene therapy, and real-time analytics. Hands-on programing will include real world applications operating in a simulated cGMP environment, as well as broader topics such as quality control and supply chain management. Close ties and consultation with corporate partners will be crucial to providing relevant programming both for traditional students and individuals already in the workforce. Initial partners in this endeavor include Clarkson University and Albany Molecular Research Institute (AMRI). Discussions are currently underway with additional collaborators.
In this episode of Occupation Station, Dr. Patrick Yang, former executive vice president of Genentech, Roche and Juno and current chairman of AbGenomics and Acepodia joins ACPHS President Dr. Greg Dewey to talk about the current recruitment needs of the biopharmaceutical industry and how CBET will fill those positions. Dr. Yang, who serves as an adviser to program development, discusses five distinct ways CBET will partner with biopharmaceuticals. Dr. Dewey, meanwhile, talks about how CBET will stay nimble, while training students for a rapidly changing field.
Learn more at http://bciksh.tccestates.com/CBET