Director Clinical Pharmacology Modeling & Simulation
Podcast Subject: Research & Development
The path that a student embarks on is often very different from the career path they ultimately follow. ACPHS class of ’94 grad Kelly Mahar is a prime example. Kelly planned on becoming a retail pharmacist and she knew that there were lots of attractive jobs open in the field. But during her coursework and internships at ACPHS, Kelly started to notice her strengths and interests lay elsewhere. In this episode of Occupation Station hear how Kelly was able to put her degree from ACPHS into lucrative service to support her new goal to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Buffalo. Diverging from her original path moved her toward the highly specialized work that she currently does at GSK. It’s work that she finds to be a perfect fit. Now she encourages students to reach out to alumni to learn more about career opportunities that can grow out of their studies at ACPHS.