Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) ranks #1 in New York for the best return on investment (ROI) according to a study issued by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW).
The CEW study reviewed performance metrics for 4,500 colleges and universities across the nation and ranked ACPHS higher than Harvard, Stanford, MIT, and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences.
CEW, which studies the links between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands, studied various ROI metrics including tuition, median student debt and earnings, and the share of students with earnings greater than high school graduates. These metrics show that pharmacy schools offer the best long-term net economic gains.
“College typically pays off, but the return on investment varies by credential, program of study, and institution,” said CEW Director Dr. Anthony P. Carnevale. Institutions that specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) tend to have a higher return on investment for their graduates.
“We continue to be very proud that ACPHS is a top-ranked institution for ROI and encourage anyone interested in the health sciences fields to see all that ACPHS has to offer,” said ACPHS President Greg Dewey.
In addition to ACPHS’ longstanding Doctor of Pharmacy program, it has eight Bachelor’s programs, including a newly accredited Public Health program, and six Master’s programs, including a new Master’s in Biomanufacturing and Bioprocessing. Other distinguishing features of ACPHS include:
- First pharmacy college in the nation to create a biopharmaceutical manufacturing center
- Only pharmacy college in New York State that has student-operated pharmacies
- Public health practice site in a medically underserved community
- Active research environment, with $5.1 million dollars in NIH (National Institutes of Health) funding and 97 faculty publications
- First-of-its-kind manufacturing fellowship with FDA
To view the list of 4,500 colleges and universities ranked by CEW, go to cew.georgetown.edu/ROI2022.
Video Footage: A Day in the Life at ACPHS
About Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Founded in 1881, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private, independent college dedicated to educating the next generation of leaders to improve the health of society. ACPHS offers 17 undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs including online Master of Biomedical Sciences and Master of Biotechnology programs. Students have myriad opportunities to extend what they are learning in the classroom at The Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), at student-supported pharmacies in underserved communities, and at The Collaboratory, a public health resource designed to alleviate community health disparities in Albany’s South End neighborhood. ACPHS ranks #1 in New York State for best return on investment by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce and was graded an A+ for value by Niche.