Focus: Behavioral Neuroscience/Learning & Memory
Speaker Request
Robert W. Flint, Jr., PhD
- Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology: Behavioral Neuroscience, Kent State University
- M.A. in Experimental Psychology: Behavioral Neuroscience, Kent State University
- B.S. in Psychology, Allegheny College
Courses Taught at ACPHS
- First Year Seminar in Psychology
- Biopsychology
- Forensic Neuroscience
- Neurospsychology
- Sensation & Perception
- Learning
- Introduction to Psychopharmacology
Selected Publications
- Sandusky LA, Flint RW Jr, & McNay EC (2013). Elevated glucose metabolism in the amygdala during an inhibitory avoidance task. Behavioural Brain Research.
- Flint RW Jr, Noble L, & Ulmen A (2013). NMDA receptor antagonism with MK-801 impairs consolidation and reconsolidation of passive avoidance conditioning in adolescent rats: Evidence for a state-dependent reconsolidation effect. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
- Sandusky LA, Flint RW Jr, & McNay, EC (2012). Effects of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide on anxiety-like extinction behavior in an animal model of post-traumatic stress. Behavioural Brain Research.
- Chown AE, Noble LJ, & Flint RW Jr (2010). Traumatic brain injury and memory loss: A review of non-human animal models. Journal of Behavioral and Neuroscience Research.
- Flint RW Jr & Dorr N (2010). Social neuroscience at The College of Saint Rose: The art of team teaching in emerging areas of psychological science. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education.
- Psi Chi/CUR Research Mentor Award
- Predoctoral Intramural Research Training Award, NIH, NIMH
- Flint RW Jr, Farnum K, & Rodriguez Steen L (2024). Case study group presentations in a Biopsychology course for Forensic Psychology and Psychology majors. National Institute for Teaching of Psychology, Bonita Springs, FL.
- French RM & Flint RW Jr (2015). Effect of the tryptophan antagonist para-chlorophenylalanine on anxiety, passive avoidance conditioning, and extinction in adolescent rats. Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
- Karow M & Flint RW Jr (2015). Effects of sleep deprivation in rats with dorsal hippocampus lesions on performance in the Morris water maze. Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
- Mosher M, French RM, Russo L, Karrow M, & Flint RW Jr (2015). Effects of the NMDA antagonist Ketamine on the latent inhibition effect in an animal model of schizophrenia. Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
- French RM & Flint RW Jr (2014). Effect of mGluR7 antagonist MMPIP on spatial memory retrieval in rats. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Karow M & Flint RW Jr (2014). Effects of MK-801 on conditioned taste aversion, the latent inhibition effect, and memory reconsolidation in rats. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Flint RW Jr & Mosher M (2014). Effect of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide on extinction of a spatial memory in the sand maze. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Russo L, Karow ML, Noble L, Mosher M. French RM, & Flint RW Jr (2014). Effects of early postnatal acute alcohol exposure on behavioral and cognitive performance in adolescent/young adult rats. Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Flint RW Jr, Staulo T, Foti J, & Noble L (2013). Effects of systemic administration of D-glucose on consolidation and reconsolidation of habituation of the acoustic startle response in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
- Karow M, Noble LJ, & Flint RW Jr (2013). Nicotinic and muscarinic receptor antagonism effects on consolidation of inhibitory avoidance conditioning in adolescent rats. Eastern Psychological Association, New York City, NY.
Professional Organization Memberships
- Council for Undergraduate Research
- National Institute for the Teaching of Psychology
- Society for Neuroscience